

vasectomy blog post - dr michael read - southport gold coast

6 tips to keeping the romance alive, even after having a baby

Bringing a child into the world can be one of the most rewarding adventures a couple can embark on. For couples with a new baby, learning to balance parenting, home upkeep and a healthy relationship can be difficult for the first few months. With less time to ‘fool around’ and an increase in chores, food preparation, lack of sleep and all your attention being focused on your newest addition, it’s no wonder marriages can suffer and spouses can take a back-seat. We’ve come up with six tricks that might just help you rekindle the romance and keep the fire alive for a happier marriage.


  • Set a date (night) and stick to it.


Given that your schedules were busy before your bundle was born, you may find yourselves even busier now and having to sacrifice your time together as a couple. Set a date with your partner to spend some quality time together, without your baby. This habitual date night or day will quickly become part of your routine, and what may start out as a quick coffee down the road between baby’s naps, could potentially blossom into a few hours where the two of you could even share a meal or catch a movie.

If you’re unable to leave your baby with a sitter or relative, schedule an hour or two once a week where you set the table at home and enjoy a glass of wine and a meal together, when your baby is asleep. The thought here is to prioritize time with your partner and make spending alone time together a regular occurrence. Who knows what cooking together could lead to?


  • Nap time is stroll time.


Grab the buggy, strap in baby, join hands with your partner and hit the sidewalk. Use your baby’s nap time as an opportunity for you and your spouse to take a romantic walk and catch up. Fresh air coupled with a sleeping baby can give you up to two hours to spend with your significant other. Be sure to make sure wherever you’re headed, is safe, fairly quiet and free from bright lights or high traffic.


  • Show your love “just because”.


Small notes and gestures of affection really do go a long way in reconnecting. From simple texts to say you’re thinking about each other to love notes in your lunchboxes or on the bathroom mirror, are random acts of affection that still say “I care and I think about you”. A suggestive text message during the day may also help the day end well.


  • Give each other the day off.


Relationships are about give and take, so why not give your partner a few hours off? If you can see they’ve had a hectic day or seem exhausted, run them a bubble bath, hit the lights and burn some candles. Offering your spouse even just an hour or two off to recoup, nap and get some perspective, can do the world of good in letting them know you are there and you care. It’s a thoughtful gesture that will surely be returned.


  • Make five minutes to reconnect.


When a baby is born, it’s easy to lose track of what’s happening in each other’s lives. Bring your focus and attention back to your partner, by taking just five minutes a day to check-in with each other and ask him or her how their day is going. Give each other your undivided attention and listen without judgement or reason.



  • Consider getting ‘the snip’.


Have you and your partner decided that you don’t want any more children? Not only is vasectomy a permanent form of contraception, many men claim their sex lives are better after the procedure due to the absence of anxiety of accidental pregnancy. It’s a simple procedure with as little downtime from normal activities as two to three days, and men can resume intercourse as soon as they feel comfortable to do so. Although the possibility of an improved sex life may be appealing, vasectomy should only be considered if you and your partner have agreed on having no more children.


Becoming a parent is an exciting time, however it is easy to allow your social and romantic life to become non-existent and sex to be more of a chore than an enjoyment. While small gestures and random acts of affection can make a big difference, if you’re considering a vasectomy, Dr Michael Read can assist you.


With over 30 years’ experience performing the no-scalpel, open-ended vasectomy technique, Dr Read can guide you through the procedure process, from consultation to post-procedure care. Most patients will undergo the procedure on the same day as their consult, however there is no pressure to proceed immediately. Give the Gold Coast Vasectomy Centre a call and book an appointment with Dr Michael Read today.




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    Dr Michael Read has thirty years’ experience performing vasectomy and circumcision procedures and an established reputation on the Gold Coast.

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