

vasectomy blog post - dr michael read - southport gold coast

The following information is an excerpt from our free vasectomy guide. 

At your initial consultation Dr Read will explain your procedure and ensure you are a suitable candidate for a no-scalpel vasectomy.


In preparation for the procedure, you should shave the scrotum and pubic area and ensure you have a clean groin and scrotum. Food and fluid should be avoided for four hours prior to the scheduled procedure time. 


Immediately prior to the procedure, you will be given sedation, strong pain medication and local anaesthetic to ensure you are comfortable and to minimise discomfort during and after the vasectomy. 


The procedure itself takes 20- 30 minutes. Vasectomy involves interrupting the passage of sperm along the tube from the testes. The open-ended no-scalpel vasectomy involves a tiny puncture in the scrotal skin, then looping the vas deferens through this. A segment is removed and the end closest to the body is sealed. The cord is then returned to the scrotum. The hole closes spontaneously and there is little to see externally. 


When your vasectomy is complete, we advise that someone drives you home. Some patients choose to drive home after their vasectomy. We can permit this provided no sedation is given. Generally, men prefer to take medication to relax and sedate them. Many men will sleep through the procedure. 


It is advised to lie down on the day of the procedure and apply regular ice packs to the area. Any unnecessary activities should be kept to a minimum the following day.


For more information, you can download our free guide on our Vasectomy page.  If you have any other questions, or would like to book a consultation with Dr Read, call us on 07 5531 3205 or complete the enquiry form on this page. 


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    Our Services

    Dr Michael Read has thirty years’ experience performing vasectomy and circumcision procedures and an established reputation on the Gold Coast.

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    Please fill in the online enquiry form to ask a question or book your consultation with Dr Michael Read at Gold Coast Circumcision Centre or Gold Coast Vasectomy Centre.


    Or call us today on (07) 5531 3205 or 1300 DR READ​

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