
The Pros and Cons of a Vasectomy

THE PROS AND CONS OF A VASECTOMY Making a decision on whether to have a vasectomy is a deeply personal one, and there are certainly many pros and cons to consider. Vasectomy is a permanent form of birth control for men, blocking the passage of sperm when a man ejaculates. When a man reaches orgasm,… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of a Vasectomy

Is A Vasectomy The Right Treatment For You?

IS A VASECTOMY THE RIGHT TREATMENT FOR YOU? Vasectomy Procedure Gold Coast Having children is an exciting time for all families, although in some circumstances couples decide for the male to get a vasectomy to ensure they don’t have any more children. This however can be a daunting procedure to follow through with. As a… Continue reading Is A Vasectomy The Right Treatment For You?